
I am TN Gnawali a Web Designer & Developer a Teacher

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Who am i

TN Gnawali.

Web Designer

I'm Tara Gnawali, a mathematics teacher, content creator, and web developer with a passion for technology and well-being. I enjoy simplifying complex ideas, whether in math, coding, or mindfulness practices, to help others learn and grow. My work focuses on empowering people through education, design, and digital experiences.

What I like


a passionate content creator with a love for writing about technology and well-being. I enjoy simplifying complex topics like coding and new tech trends to make them accessible for everyone. Through my writing, I aim to inform, inspire, and help others navigate the digital world.

Yoga & Meditation

I practice yoga and meditation. These practices help me find balance and clarity in my everyday life.


a mathematics teacher with a passion for helping students grasp challenging concepts. I believe in making math approachable and engaging, breaking down complex ideas into simple steps. My goal is to inspire a love for learning and build strong problem-solving skills in every student I teach.

Web Design & Development

I enjoy crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites that merge creativity with functionality. From coding dynamic interfaces to designing intuitive layouts, I aim to create seamless digital experiences that engage users and bring ideas to life.

My Blog

I Will Miss You Guys: Love You So Much

Its been more than a year with you my brothers and sisters . You have always been amazing friends , motivation and my inspiration. I have learnt so many things from you all. I'll miss every moment we laughed together . 

त्यो ठूलो आवाज, त्यो हल्ला सबै याद आउनेछ । खड्काको who says गित , Ashmita Thakuri को तीखो स्वर सबै मनमा मीठो गित झै बसेका छन । Daud को BeatBoxing , Powel out हुदा पनि I was not ready भन्ने बानी , Arjal को ऐले भेट्लास है भाइ भन्ने सुन्न पनि कान तरस्सिने छन। Arushi को त्यो भटाभट लेखाइ Dipshika को बोलाइ भन्दा नि कुद्छ। घाँटी छुद फु फु गर्ने kanchan , Assembly मा photo वाला pose दिने Dipisha .....(सबैको बारेमा लेख्नेछु)

Why I love Osho Rajneesh

After I got myself involved into spiritual  practices  , I left no stone unturned  to read the books that i used to found along my journey. When I watched a discourse of osho on the quantum  realm of the universe  , i loved the way he projected the dharma and science  together in order to elaborate the facts . Although it was difficult  for me to decide whether to believe his words or not but time flies  and so man's  tendency  to percive . 

There is one story about him , it is said that he had read around 10 million books in his 50 yrs . I wonder how a man from a village can have this much of source of information  to talk on any topic . I add swami vivekananda for the reference  , yes its possible to achieve  such kind of divine power . Here I admit that I barely believe  such kind of power so I call it the divine power .

Lord Shiva and His Family: A Journey Through Hindu Mythology

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is one of the most revered deities and is considered to be the destroyer and transformer of the universe. He is often depicted with matted hair, a third eye, and a serpent around his neck, and is associated with power, purity, and detachment. But who is Lord Shiva, and who are the members of his family? In this blog post, we will explore the mythology surrounding Lord Shiva and his family, and their significance in Hinduism.

Lord Shiva, also known as Mahadeva, is considered to be one of the three main gods in Hinduism, along with Brahma and Vishnu. He is the god of destruction, and is often depicted as a powerful and ascetic figure who lives a life of solitude in the mountains. Despite his association with destruction, Lord Shiva is also considered to be a compassionate and benevolent deity who bestows blessings upon his devotees.

Lord Shiva is married to the goddess Parvati, who is also known as Uma, Gauri, and Durga. Parvati is the goddess of love, fertility, and devotion, and is considered to be the gentler aspect of the divine feminine. Together, Lord Shiva and Parvati have two sons, Ganesha and Kartikeya, who are both worshipped as gods in their own right.

Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, is the god of wisdom and is considered to be the remover of obstacles. He is often depicted as a plump and jovial figure, and is one of the most widely worshipped gods in Hinduism. Kartikeya, also known as Skanda, is the god of war and is associated with bravery and strength. He is depicted as a handsome and powerful young warrior, and is worshipped mainly in South India.

In addition to his wife and sons, Lord Shiva is also accompanied by his faithful servant and companion, the bull Nandi. Nandi is considered to be the vehicle of Lord Shiva, and is worshipped as the gatekeeper of Lord Shiva's abode.

In conclusion, Lord Shiva and his family form an important part of Hindu mythology, and their stories and symbolism continue to influence Hindu beliefs and practices to this day. From the power and detachment of Lord Shiva, to the love and devotion of Parvati, to the wisdom of Ganesha and the bravery of Kartikeya, each member of this divine family represents a different aspect of the divine and continues to be worshipped and revered by millions of Hindus worldwide.

Ego vs Awareness: Understanding the Key Differences


In the world of psychology and personal growth, two terms that often come up are "ego" and "awareness." While these terms are closely related, they refer to very different things and can have a significant impact on our lives. In this blog post, we will explore the key differences between ego and awareness, and how they can impact our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Ego refers to the part of our personality that is focused on our own self-interest and image. It is the voice in our head that constantly judges and evaluates our experiences, seeking to maintain a sense of control and security. The ego is often driven by fear, insecurity, and a need for validation from others. This can lead to negative self-talk, self-doubt, and a distorted view of reality.

Awareness, on the other hand, refers to the state of being present in the moment and noticing what is happening around us without judgment. It involves recognizing our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without getting caught up in them. Awareness allows us to see things as they are, rather than through the lens of our ego's biases and interpretations. This can lead to greater clarity, peace, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

So, why is it important to understand the difference between ego and awareness? When our ego is in control, we may find ourselves constantly seeking external validation and engaging in self-defeating behaviors. This can lead to feelings of emptiness, anxiety, and depression. On the other hand, when we cultivate awareness, we can gain greater insight into our thoughts and emotions, allowing us to make better decisions and lead a more fulfilling life.

In conclusion, ego and awareness are two key aspects of our personality that can have a profound impact on our lives. By understanding the difference between the two, we can work to cultivate awareness and let go of our ego-driven tendencies, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

22nd of magh 2079

 Dear Myself,

Today was a good day. I had a break from tutoring which was much needed. I had some fun with my students, which always puts a smile on my face. I started my day with a refreshing bath in the morning, which was just what I needed to get ready for the day ahead.

In the evening, I had a chatpatey with my roommates. It was great to catch up with them and share some laughs. We also had coffee together, which was a nice break from our busy schedules.

After the chatpatey, I decided to do something productive and read a book on the 7 spiritual laws of yoga. It was a fascinating read and I learned a lot about the connection between our bodies and our minds. I am looking forward to incorporating what I learned into my daily routine.

Overall, it was a great day and I am feeling grateful for all the good things in my life.

Change action to change your dream

Dec 14, Boston School , Kalopul

When you want to lucid dream, you must train yourself to question reality in your wakeful state. The cliche is to try switching lightswitches. If the lights turn on and off, you know you are awake. If the light does not turn on and off, you know that you are probably in a dream, and you can use another test to confirm.

 In order to change your behaviour and assumptions in a dream, you must do so in reality.I have found so much success in hacking my dreams during waking life. Whenever I see  imagery or anything which arouses me in a movie or otherwise, I don't allow the temptation to even present. I look away or I cover it with my hand. This is because, as much as I feel I can overcome it, I often find my eyes are drawn there, and I have to resist the temptation. In a dream, if the imagery magics itself into a scenario I can interact with, that temptation will always lead me to indulge. But, if I refuse it to even enter my consciousness, then it becomes an impossibility.

The only way to beat bad dreams is to hack your psychology through movement. There is no special meditation or spritual method to overcome the 2nd strongest biological force on the planet (closely after the will to survive). The only way you can beat your surrender to this force is to cut the chain to relapse at the first link. The only way to beat your behaviour and physical actions in your dreams is through changing your behaviour and physical actions in your waking life.

A dream is not a thought, it is not a concept, it is not a simulation. When you act in a dream, you use the same part of the brain as that which directly controls motor functions in your body in real life. The only difference is that there is an internal mechanism which blocks cerebral movement impulses during dreams from reaching your muscles. Otherwise, those cerebral events are exactly the same. For example, sleepwalking is a condition where that inhibiting mechanism fails, and the person's body acts the same behaviour as their dreams. 

Lastly , 
 Changing your thoughts will not change your dreams. That's impossible. You can try to change your dreams, but you will never truly defeat your subconscious. The only way to change your actions in your dreams is to change your actions in the real world.

Image Credit: https://greatist.com/

Spartan Discipline Day 2

Dec 14,Boston School, Kalopul

The summary of the book is composed in 34 pages , each topic is covered in around 2 pages . Its an easy read , arranged  in such a way to engage the reader . Today I'm  gonna write what I got   from the book  on day two of my reading,

 Spartan Minimalism 
Having a cold shower requires no discipline for he who has no hot water system. Eating healthy requires no discipline for he who has no junk food in the kitchen. Being frugal requires no discipline for he who has no

One of the foundations upon which the discipline of the Spartans rest is their philosophy of simplicity over decoration and precision over expansiveness. The Spartan’s achieved discipline not through the exertion
of willpower but through the development of laser-like focus.

Imagine how much you could achieve if you approached your life with this kind of Spartan minimalism. If you eliminated all but that which propels you toward your goals. One thing’s for sure: You’d be a heck of a lot closer to your goal than you currently are, if not already successful.

In a nutshell:
Simplicity breeds success. Keeping things minimal in nonessential areas of life makes room for massive achievement in the areas of life that you have decided are most important.

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