Spartan Discipline

Dec 12, Kalopul,Kathmandu.
Today I have started reading the book Spartan Discipline: By Dominic Mann , It's a book about How to develop Spartan Discipline, Unbreakable Mental Toughness, and Relentless Willpower.
While reading first few paragraphs of the book , I started getting a vibe of how we have been living in misery . Some of the listed quotes are so catchy , every words give a tight slap to the conservative thinking . The narration and explainations given in the book is well organized and relatable .Each lines are completing the lacks I have in life due to over assumption and lack of willpower.
Some of the quotes from the book I love to share:
"No man is free ,who cannot command himself" - Pythagoras
"Through Discipline comes freedom"-Aristotle
This was all about introduction from the book , next I'm gonna read The Spartan Minimalism. I Will be sharing here soon .
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