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Jay Shree Krishna ,
I am a talkative person. I talk all the time especially with all my close friends. I am always the first one who says something when there is an awkward moment in any case which I think is a good thing. But when I meet people for the very first time I don't talk as much which is my shyness but when the awkward moment of meeting someone new is over then I talk more. I am cautious, I am always observing my surroundings and looking for anything that can be dangerous or harmful. I have a personality trait of having thoughtfulness. I am always the one who opens the door for everyone and I do a lot of other things like that. Also whenever my mom needs help at her housework I always go without saying no because I know my mom's efforts can get difficulty if she doesn't have someone to help her. In a way it's also being kind, which I think I am. I am optimistic. I am just not a negative person even when I am upset or mad. Keeping an open mind about anything just makes you an overall happier person. I'm a protective and conservative person. I try to protect my loved ones from external constraints. I give my best to let them play freely and I  keep my eyes on them. That's my way of caring for them. 


Known as the Law of Cause and Effect, this law basically says you get what you give. In other words, if you project positivity and happiness to others. Then, in turn, you will receive the same.


Things, both good and bad, don’t just happen. Therefore, create the good and positive things you want to see in your life.


Be accepting of the good and bad in your life. Do not dwell on the bad, otherwise those negative feelings associated with it will remain with you.


Understand we only have control over ourselves. We cannot change our surroundings, be it people or our environment. We can, however, change who we are in our hearts and minds.


If something feels wrong, most times the conflict is within ourselves. We represent what is around us, and what is around us mirrors us. Therefore, we must take responsibility for the things in our lives.


Everything in the universe is connected. Even if something seems insignificant, it must be completed as its completion will lay the foundation for the next step in life. Each phase of a project in our lives is equally important as the one before or after it.


One can not truly focus on more than one task at a time. Attempting to do so will open the door to negativity; therefore, staying focused on one thing at a time will bring us peace.


Dwelling on our past prevents us from truly living today and from achieving new personal growth.


We are destined to repeat history until we learn the lessons needed to change our paths in life.


All rewards in life come at a price. True peace and happiness come from doing what we are supposed to do and patiently waiting for the reward as it will come to us when the time is right.

Jay Shree Krishna, 
Sometimes I come up with ideas to write about , but sometimes  I can't  find what to write about.  So I created a list of 30 ideas to write  each day , I feel they are great to be discussed  with own perspectives. As a daily writer I personally  use these sort of topic to write on my reflection journal.  Every topic is connected  to heart , no matter how bad I am at describing  something  I can write about  these topic confidently. 

DAY 1: describe your personality 
DAY 2: things that makes you happy. 
DAY 3: a memory. 
DAY 4 : places you want to visit. 
DAY 5: Your parents 
DAY 6 : Single and Happy 
DAY 7: favorite movie 
DAY 8 : the power of music 
DAY 9: Write about happiness. 
DAY 10 : Your best friend 
DAY 11: Talk about your siblings 
DAY 12 : favourite tv series 
DAY 13 : favourite book 
DAY 14 : Describe your style 
DAY 15 : If you could run away, where would you go? 
DAY 16 : someone I miss 
DAY 17 : ways to win my heart 
DAY 18 : Thirty facts about myself
 DAY 19 : My first love 
DAY 20 : your celebrity crush 
DAY 21 : write about LOVE. 
DAY 22 : write about today 
DAY 23 : A letter to someone, anyone 
DAY 24 : write about a lesson you've learned. 
DAY 25 : Something inspired of the 11th image on your phone DAY 26 : your school 
DAY 27 : Someone who inspires me
 DAY 28 : write about loving someone. 
DAY 29 : My goals for the future 
DAY 30 : write about what do you feel when you write. 

Jay Shree Krishna, 
The only one who gets to decide your worth is you .It doesn't come from your bank account or the number of friends you have. It doesn't come from what someone else says you are worth. It's called self worth for a reason- it comes from you. It comes from being yourself and being proud of who you are. It comes from being someone that you can count on and someone you love. The numbers will change with time, but what won't change is who you are deep inside- beautiful, limitless, wonderful, creative, strong, capable- and that is where your worth comes from. 

Choosing best books for reading is quite a bit confusing task for every book readers. We should choose best books of our interest and flexibility .Motivational books and self improvement books stands best out of other books . Because those books give us motivation and courage to enjoy and live life with full of happiness out of this stressful and crowded world . we all like Books as friends that give us company whenever we feel bored of this stressful life.

So many best selling books are out there which are written by best selling authors . Here i have listed out some of those best books to add on your reading list..

Top 20 Best Books to motivate you

1.Rich Dad Poor Dad
2.The Intelligence Investor
3.Secret Of The Millionaire Mind
4.Think And Grow Rich
5.The Millionaire Next Door
6.The 80/20 Principle
7.Start With Why
8.Mini Habits
9.How To Win Friends and Influence People
10.Eat That FROG
11.The Compound Effect
12.The 10X Rule
13.5am Club
14.The Four Hour Workweek
15.The Personal MBA
16.Who Moved My Cheese?
17.The Richest man in Babylon
18.The 100 Startup
19.Emotional Intelligence
20.How To Be A Bawse

Jay shree Krishna 

There is a world within a day. There are so many stages and moments to savor within every day. Right now, the sun is burning through the mid morning fog that is coming off the hills. I am thinking about what I want to do today ,and that feels powerful. How can I surrender myself to the the narrative of  the everyday ?how can I  really open up to the thousands of opportunities I meet every single day ? I can feel them dancing and shining at me through the mist of my expectations.Fuck  My expectations! I am ready for new, the strange and the exquisite. I am a detective ,searching for clues within my daily  life, finding and solving the  riddle of the hidden world ,summing up  all the puzzle pieces.You pick right piece for each places and all pieces fall into right place.Then you are all set to soar. Life isn't  hard if you deal genuinely.There is no point to worry and to be regretful for anything that disturb your peac and your existence. You live your life , not others . First learn  to walk then, gradually you can run.That's how life works. 

Jay Shree Krishna
Everyone wants a listening ear . Everyone wants to be seen,heard and understood. Everyone wants to be happy, to be appreciated and to be loved . We all want to be heard , respected and to be seen as the person we see ourselves. But how ? , how does anyone expect me to see if all they do is talking abuses of my good intentions?. If they make excuses for every single thing that goes wrong . Even though they know it was their choice . When I do my best to help them , be there fo them , to hear their voices , to accept them . How can they use that goodness , after all that's my innocence, after all my understanding, my time and my good intentions. They treat me the way they never knew me .How will they understand me , If their intentions are just to use me. Please hear me first , accept my flaws, respect my innocences. I think I must deny them when they speak to me ,I must refuse them to help . I must change myself as If I don't feel anything .

Feel Free To Write Imam Uddin

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